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Climate change? Happens every day...

Record cold temps. Snow earlier and in greater quantities than ever in recorded history. Data being released PROVING global warming is a hoax. It's not even WINTER in the US yet and all this is happening. And no one in any position of power in this country is willing to stand up and condemn the liars and cheats who are trying to tax us to death to fill their own coffers and keep themselves in more secured positions of power. The temperature goes up AND down every day, every week, every month - every year. It ALWAYS has. It always will. We can't predict with any accuracy whether it will rain or snow one week from now. But some so-called scientists claim they KNOW the earth has been and will continue to warm up year after year, unless of course we enact measures now - measures that will not change anything other than establishing the need to buy credits (in the form of increased tax dollars) to keep doing things exactly as we do now. Convenient, isn't that? Read - inform yo

Greening the internet? Really?!

Ok, just read this article and am blown away. When did a basic component of the AIR WE BREATHE become a pollutant that we need to do away with? I guess if CO2 is such a bad thing and we foolish humans just keep exhaling every single second - well, there is only one fix. if we want to 'save the planet' we need to make ourselves disappear. Then the world will be safe for our children... but wait - we won't be around so there won't BE any children... hmm... sort of defeats the purpose, huh? This ranks right up there with the leaders of the free world thinking they can control the temperature of the earth when we can't even figure out how to accurately predict whether it is going to rain this afternoon or not. but yeah - we can control the cosmos. Frickin' idiots. Remember the big ozone layer depletion scare in the 80's? Did we solve that one? or did we just find something new to waste billions on...? Is that huge hole that was going to destroy us sealed up n

Funniest movie in a long while - The Hangover

Just realized it had been forever since I posted a blog update so I figured I would throw a quick one in to let everyone know about a great comedy to go see. The Hangover is about a group of guys who go to Vegas for one night for a bachelor party and the night goes terribly wrong. Definitely an adult comedy - lots of language and graphic images but the story and writing is superb and the group of collectively 'unknown' actors do an amazing job. I've seen it in the theater twice already and might go again. Cannot wait for this gem to come out on an unrated or extended cut DVD as it looks like a lot of extra footage was shot for the credit pics. Enjoy!!

Star Trek - 2009

Just needed to put up a note about the latest movie I saw in the theater. JJ Abrams actually put out one hell of a movie, IMHO - which was a bit of a shock to me. Granted, I went in with low expectations so I wouldn't be let down, but that worked out well. The wife and I saw Star Trek our last night in Vegas (I know, I know - why see a movie in Vegas - you can see a movie anywhere - but Amber and I don't exactly get to see each other lately - she has been out west in Wyoming for work most of this year). The actors chosen to play the original cast did so almost perfectly, Bones being the one that stays in memory. He made you feel it was a young DeForest Kelley doing the work that made him famous. The humor thrown in as well as the drama and effects were great - the time flew by, which is great for a movie that clocks in at just over 2 hours. And for all the sci-fi geeks out there, the new timeline approach for the storyline gives us the chance to enjoy original characters in a w

When will the fear-mongering stop?

OK, I was going to post a whole spiel on how we are fearing fear right now, but I found a nice little article by a professional writer that did a better job. We lived through 8 years of the 'terrorists are going to get us' and everyone condemned Bush and his administration for holding fear over everyone's heads to get what he wanted. We needed change. And HOPE. So 50 million Americans voted for that (which to be fair, is only about 20% of the population, the same percentage that voted in Bush twice). And now we get no hope, only despair and doom and gloom and the sky is falling reports. Why? To help in the push to nationalize EVERYthing? Or because it is real? You can't tell anymore. I do know this - it gets really tiring hearing the politicians and the 'leaders' of the world crying wolfe every single day, just so they can secure more of a hold on our lives and freedoms. Ah well

Dayton Tea Party

Got back an hour or so ago from the Dayton Tea Party and was glad I went. It was a bit chilly and overcast, so it would have been more enjoyable had the sun been out and the temp been about 15 degrees higher, but oh well. There were some good speakers there all touting the same thing - we need to stop letting the government spend OUR money unchecked. We hired them to be our representatives and they don't seem to do what we ask anymore. Supporting a stimulus bill that they didn't even read proves they don't care about what we think anymore. This wasn't an anti-democrat or anti-Obama rally, which a lot of the media were trying to push on everyone. This was an anti-spending rally, one that really made you stop and think about what our government is doing for us - or more to the point - TO us. Both republicans and democrats were chastised by the speakers, including Presidents Bush AND Obama and all members of congress, especially those that voted for teh stimulus bill, sinc