Dayton Tea Party

Got back an hour or so ago from the Dayton Tea Party and was glad I went. It was a bit chilly and overcast, so it would have been more enjoyable had the sun been out and the temp been about 15 degrees higher, but oh well.

There were some good speakers there all touting the same thing - we need to stop letting the government spend OUR money unchecked. We hired them to be our representatives and they don't seem to do what we ask anymore. Supporting a stimulus bill that they didn't even read proves they don't care about what we think anymore.

This wasn't an anti-democrat or anti-Obama rally, which a lot of the media were trying to push on everyone. This was an anti-spending rally, one that really made you stop and think about what our government is doing for us - or more to the point - TO us. Both republicans and democrats were chastised by the speakers, including Presidents Bush AND Obama and all members of congress, especially those that voted for teh stimulus bill, since all of them levied heavy debt on us in the last 6 months.

It is time for term limits, Fair Tax, and the spending to STOP. Last I checked, the economic mess occured because of too much debt by people - so how can too much debt by the government be good for us?


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